Adding new molecules

In this chapter details will be given on how to set up a new molecule in TROVE. There are two approaches to this. If a molecule of the same symmetry has already been set up in TROVE then it is relatively straightforward to add a similar molecule. This is one of the strengths of the TROVE approach. If a completely new kind of molecular structure is needed then more work is required. The former case will be discussed first.

If a new isotopologue is required then a combination of the two approaches will be required, for example the PES may be of the same form but the symmetry will change.

Adding a Similar Symmetry Molecule

Adding a molecule of similar symmetry is relatively straightforward. It is possible that no new TROVE files for defining the potential, etc will be required. An example of this is adding arsine (AsH3) when phosphine (PH3) is already set up in TROVE. Both molecules have trigonal pyramidal structure and belong to the C_{3v} point group.

In the TROVE input file the molecule is defined in various places as was discussed in Chapter Theory. If a new molecule of the same symmetry as a previously defined molecule is to be added, then the symmetry group defined by the keyword SYMGROUP should be kept the same.

TRANSFORM, which determines the subroutine to transform coordinates from Z-matrix to those for computations, should also be left the same. If a new type of coordinates is required then this needs to be changed either to another existing transform or a new one. Setting this up is described below.

MOLTYPE specifies which routines should be used to define the molecule’s geometry in Cartesian coordinates, how the rotational symmetry is implemented and other pointers to symmetry transformations. Again it should be kept the same as used for a previously defined molecule.

MOLECULE is an optional keyword which does not necessarily need to be changed.

The ZMAT does need to be changed for a new molecule type but probably only the atomic masses. For example on going from PH3 to AsH3, only the central atom mass changes. Similarly the Equilibrium block needs to be changed with the new molecule’s bond lengths and angles. The order of these will be the same as the previously defined molecule if the same Z-matrix is used.

The SPECPARAM block depends on the specific potential used and may need to be changed as required.

If a new molecule is being set up with a similar structure to a previously defined molecule then it may be that the same form of function can be used to fit the PES. If this is the case then in the POTEN block, the POT_TYPE should be kept the same but the list of parameters (equilibrium geometry values, Morse parameters and expansion coefficients, etc) should be changed to the values for the new molecule. Similarly, if the previously defined DMS is suitable tthen in the EXTERNAL block, the DMS_TYPE can be kept the same and parameters changed to those of the new molecule.

If new functional forms for the PES or DMS are required then these need to be defined as described below.

Setting Up a New Molecule

Setting up a new molecule for TROVE requires the user to modify or add new subroutines to TROVE which will be added to the list of files to be compiled with the main program. Before the specific details of these are provided a description of what is required will be given.

As discussed in Chapter Theory, TROVE expands the Hamiltonian in terms of molecule-fixed internal coordinates. To do this, transformations between various coordinates are required. The molecule’s geometry (including the equilibrium geometry) is defined in the input file via the Z-matrix. This gives a straightforward and intuitive way to define a molecule’s geometry. Z-matrix coordinates are usually not used to expand the kinetic or potential energy however as they do not take into account symmetry, are not of Morse form, etc. Transformation to the working coordinates and potential is given in a mol and pot file, usually one of each is defined per molecule.

The mol file contains one or multiple subroutines for transforming from Z-matrix coordinates to `TROVE coordinates’ (the coordinates used to expand the kinetic energy and re-expand the potential energy) and back again. Choosing which coordinates to use is part of the problem of setting up a new molecule. Various options are sometimes needed to assess the best choice. Criteria for choosing coordinates are: symmetry considerations, ease of use, numerical stability. etc. The mol file also contains a routine for expressing the molecules equilibrium geometry in Cartesian coordinates. Another important part of the mol file is a routine which expresses how the TROVE coordinates transform under the symmetry which has been chosen to work in.

The pot file contains the potential energy surface function for the molecule of interest. This file should include the potential function itself and how parameters are defined from the input file. TROVE will call the potential subroutine using Z-matrix geometries and the pot file gives the transformation from these coordinates into those used for the potential. This file typically also contains the dipole moment surface function. The dipole is set up in a similar way to the potential but also typically Cartesian vectors expressed in body-fixed coordinates need to be set up.

As well as the mol and .pot files, the symmetry of a new molecular structure may also need to be set up. There are already many molecular symmetry groups set up in TROVE but the particular one for the molecule of interest may be missing. The symmetries are collected together in the symmetry.f90 file.

A final part of setting up a new molecule is describing the rotational symmetry.

A detailed discussion of all of these files and examples are discussed below. TROVE is written in Fortran90 and in this chapter knowledge of that programming language shall be assumed (although the main points can be appreciated without it).

The mol File

The mol file controls the coordinates used for a molecule in TROVE. Many such files have been written and when implementing a new mol file it is recommended to follow a similar style to these. Specific details such as which routines need to be set to Public and which modules are to be used can be obtained from previous mol files. The PF3 molecule will be used to illustrate each section of the mol file.

The details of the TROVE coordinates and transformations to Z-matrix coordinates are given in the subroutine ML_coordinate_transform_XXX((src,ndst,direct) result (dst) (where XXX is some molecule or molecule type). The arguments to this subroutine are as follows. src (‘source’) is a vector of coordinates. These can either be Z-matrix or TROVE coordinates depending on which part of the main program is calling the subroutine. dst (‘destination’) are again either the Z-matrix or TROVE coordinates but will be the result of a transform from one to the other (this is why dst is labelled result). direct is a logical (true of false) variable to used to choose if the subroutine is going from Z-matrix to TROVE coordinates or vice-versa.

As is standard in Fortran, any variables required in the subroutine are then declared. A typical mol file has multiple IF statements to choose which transform and coordinates to use. As mentioned, many may be set up as some will work better for specific applications/molecules.

The PF3 molecule is of the generic type XY3 and the mol file used is mol_xy3.f90. The first part of the transform subroutine is

if (verbose>=5) write(out,"('ML_coordinate_transform_XY3/start')")
if (direct) then
dsrc(:) = src(:) - molec%local_eq(:)
dsrc(:) = src(:)
nsrc = size(src)

This will print out the message if the verbose value is >5. Next the value of direct is checked. If true then the molecule’s equilibrium parameters (defined in a global vector from the input file) are subtracted from the src. This is for Z-matrix to TROVE. Otherwise, the src vector is transferred to dsrc.

After this initial step many different choices of coordinates and transforms are defined. From Chapter Theory the PF3 example was defined using

dstep            0.01
COORDS           linear
TRANSFORM        r-alpha
MOLTYPE          XY3
MOLECULE         PF3

The MOLTYPE keyword selected the mol_xy3.f90 file. The specific coordinate transform to use is given by the TRANSFORM keyword and is r-alpha. This corresponds to one of the options in the mol file. The option is selected as

if (size(src)/=6) then
  write(out,"('MLcoordinate_transform_func: r-alpha  works only with 6 coords')")
  stop 'MLcoordinate_transform_func: r-alpha  works only with 6 coords'
if (direct) then
  dst(1:3) = dsrc(1:3)
  dst(6) = dsrc(4)
  dst(5) = dsrc(5)
  dst(4) = dsrc(6)
else ! not direct
  dst(1:3) = dsrc(1:3)+molec%local_eq(1:3)
  dst(6) = dsrc(4)+molec%local_eq(4)
  dst(5) = dsrc(5)+molec%local_eq(5)
  dst(4) = dsrc(6)+molec%local_eq(6)

case chooses the transform to use. There is then a check of how many coordinates are used. This routine only works with 6 (other choices make use of extra redundant coordinates). direct is then used to check to which coordinates are being transformed. For Z-matrix to TROVE, the coordinates are taken directly from dsrc (as the equilibrium coordinates were already subtracted at the start of the routine). If TROVE to Z-matrix, equilibrium coordinates are added to the TROVE coordinates to get back to the Z-matrix values.

This is a very simple transformation but illustrates the idea. Other molecules have more complicated coordinates which usually requires the application of more geometry transforms/trigonometry etc and symmetrised coordinates may be introduced.

The symmetry properties of the TROVE coordinates used is defined in the subroutine ML_symmetry_transformation_XXX(ioper,nmodes,src,dst). The subroutine is used to define how the coordinates of the molecule permute into each other with a given symmetry operation. The arguments to this subroutine are: ioper which is an integer do choose a symmetry operation, nmodes which is the number of vibrational modes and src and dst which are the coordinates before and after the symmetry operation.

The symmetry group and coordinates used are chosen using case statements similar to the transform subroutine. These are defined in the input file. For each symmetry operation the dst coordinates should be defined in terms of the initial src coordinates. This may involve introducing normalisation constants or other variables as needed.

For PF3 the symmetry transforms are defined in ML_symmetry_transformation_XY3(ioper,nmodes,src,dst). The subroutine starts by performing checks on the number of modes. The symmetry group is then chosen as

select case(trim(molec%symmetry))
case default
   write (out,"('ML_symmetry_transformation_XY3: symmetry ',a,' unknown')")
  stop 'ML_symmetry_transformation_XY3 - bad symm. type'

where both C3V and C3V(M) can be used in the input file. As there are many TROVE coordinates defined for XY3 molecules, further case selections are required (if for a given molecule only one type of TROVE coordinates has been set up then no further selects are necessary). For the r-alpha example the symmetry is defined by

select case(trim(molec%coords_transform))
select case(ioper)
case (1) ! identity
dst = src
case (3) ! (132)
!dst(1) = src(2)
!dst(2) = src(3)
!dst(3) = src(1)
!dst(4) = src(5)
!dst(5) = src(6)
!dst(6) = src(4)

Once the R-ALPHA coordinates are chosen, further case selects each symmetry operation. For the identity, E operation, no change is required and so dst = src. Here, case 3 corresponds to the operation (132) and the bond lengths and angles are changed accordingly. The 4 other operations for this group have similar transforms.

The centre of mass of the molecule in Cartesian coordinates is defined in the subroutine `` ML_b0_XXX(Npoints,Natoms,b0,rho_i,rho_ref,rho_borders)``. Natoms is the number of atoms and b0 is a matrix containing the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms at the molecule’s equilibrium geometry. The other subroutine arguments are optional and are for defining multiple geometries. This is needed if HBJ theory is being used for a large amplitude coordinate.

For PF3 the subroutine is ML_b0_XY3. This routine starts by performing checks to see if the number of atoms, equilibrium coordinates and atomic masses are consistent for an XY3 molecule. Coordinates are then defined from the input file equilibrium block as

re14 = molec%req(1)
alpha = molec%alphaeq(1)
rho = pi-asin(2.0_ark/sqrt(3.0_ark)*sin(alpha/2.0_ark))

Using these coordinates the b0 matrix is filled in with the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms

cosr = cos(rho)
sinr = sin(rho)
b0(2,1,0) = re14*sinr
b0(2,2,0) = 0
b0(2,3,0) = mX*re14*cosr/(Mtotal+mX)
b0(3,1,0) = -re14*sinr/2.0_ark
b0(3,2,0) = sqrt(3.0_ark)*re14*sinr/2.0_ark
b0(3,3,0) = mX*re14*cosr/(Mtotal+mX)
b0(4,1,0) = -re14*sinr/2.0_ark
b0(4,2,0) = -sqrt(3.0_ark)*re14*sinr/2.0_ark
b0(4,3,0) = mX*re14*cosr/(Mtotal+mX)
b0(1,1,0) = 0
b0(1,2,0) = 0
b0(1,3,0) = -Mtotal*re14*cosr/(Mtotal+mX)

In this case b0 has been defined explicitly with respect to the centre of mass of the molecule. If this is not the case then the centre of mass can be found using a subroutine. This step is part of the XY3 subroutine as

if (any(molec%AtomMasses(2:4)/=mH1)) then
do n = 1,3
CM_shift = sum(b0(:,n,0)*molec%AtomMasses(:))/sum(molec%AtomMasses(:))
b0(:,n,0) = b0(:,n,0) - CM_shift

If the molecule contains a non-rigid degree of freedom (for example, the umbrella motion in NH3) then HBJ theory is used as discussed in Chapter Theory. In this case TROVE expands the Hamiltonian on a grid of geometries along the non-rigid degree of freedom. The other arguments to the subroutine then come into play. Npoints is the number of points the non-rigid degree of freedom is split into, chosen in the BASIS block of the input file. rho_i is the value of the non-rigid coordinate for that npoint. rho_ref and rho_borders are the reference geometry (usually at equilibrium) and the ends of the grid along the non-rigid coordinate.

The array which contains the Cartesian coordinates, b0 is of size (Natoms,3,Npoints). For rigid molecules, Npoints = 0 and only the equilibrium geometry is necessary. For non-rigid, the coordinates of each atom are required at each point along the non-rigid coordinate. A loop over Npoints is required and the way the other rigid coordinates change at each rho_i is given. The mol file for NH3 or H2`O:SUB:`2 shows examples of this. Ideally the rigid coordinates should be set to change along the least energy path. Quantum chemistry programs such as MOLPRO can be used to find this where a geometry optimisation is carried out at each step. Alternatively it can be done ‘by hand’ from the PES.

A final part of the mol file which needs to be set up is the ML_rotsymmetry_XXX subroutine which defines the rotational symmetry.

The pot File

The pot file is used to define potential energy surfaces in TROVE. Although TROVE re-expands the PES in whichever coordinates have been chosen in the mol file (see Chapter Theory, the program needs the potential energy function as part of this process. As with the mol file the pot file can make use of parameters defined in the input file.

A typical pot file contains multiple PES functions which return the energy for a given geometry. For a given molecule class many functions may be implemented to test different PESs or compare against functions given in the literature. The choice of PES is defined in the input file.

Each PES function is initiated by

function MLpoten_xxx(ncoords,natoms,local,xyz,force) result(f).

The function arguments are as follows. ncoords and natoms are the number of vibrational coordinates and atoms respectively. local is the molecule’s coordinates given in Z-matrix form as defined in the input file. xyz is a matrix of atomic positions in Cartesian coordinates. force is a list of parameters for the PES defined in the input. The energy at a given coordinate is the output (result) of the function, f.

For the PF3 molecule the pot file is pot_xy3.f90. This file contains multiple PES and DMS functions. From the PF3 example the PES is chosen in the input file as `` MLpoten_xy3_morbid_10``. This function starts by defining equilibrium parameters from the input file and coordinates from local. The specific choice for the r-alpha coordinate transform is not given by a case (unlike others in the function) but instead by the specifics of the coordinates

elseif (size(local)==6.and.molec%Ndihedrals==0) then
alpha3 = local(4)
alpha2 = local(5)
alpha1 = local(6)
tau = sqrt(1.0_ark-cos(alpha1)**2-cos(alpha2)**2-cos(alpha3)**2 &
                   +2.0_ark*cos(alpha1)*cos(alpha2)*cos(alpha3) )

as there is no dihedral angles for the r-alpha choice. After this the coordinates are transformed into those of the PES used and a separate function for the PES called. Up to this point the function has been to transform to these coordinates from whichever Z-matrix coordinates were specified.

f = poten_xy3_morbid_10(y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,coro,force)

The function poten_xy3_morbid_10 itself is the PES function and uses the coordinates y1-y5 along with the parameters in force. The function is rather large and can be viewed in the pot file. The function is a sum of symmetrised combinations of the coordinates raised to powers and multiplied by the relevant expansion parameters. These expansion are usually not all programmed by hand but obtained from symbolic mathematical software such as Mathematica or Python.

Rather than explicitly give all the symmetrised expansion coordinates in a PES routine, another approach is to do the symmetry ‘on the fly’. This means to apply the symmetry operations to coordinates by making use of the symmetry operation matrices for the group. This method is used in TROVE for the C2`H:sub:`4 molecule. In the pot file this is specified as

f = 0
do ioper = 1,12
  call ML_symmetry_transformation_XY3_II(ioper,xi,chi(:,ioper),18)
do i = 6, molec%parmax
  ipower(1:18) = molec%pot_ind(1:18,i)
  term = 0
    do ioper = 1,12
      term = term + product(chi(1:18,ioper)**ipower(1:18))
    end do
  term = term/12.0_ark
  f = f + term*force(i)
end do

This starts by calling a symmetry transform subroutine (similar to that in the mol file discussed above) for each symmetry operation (12 in this case). All permutations are stored in the chi matrix. The parameters of the potential are then looped over. The power to which each coordinate is raise is extracted from the list given in the input file (recall that parameters can be given as a simple list or including the powers, see Chapter Theory. The symmetries are then looped over and each permutation raised by that power. The division by 12 is then applied to match how the PES was fit. Finally the relevant parameter multiplies the geometry term and then another loop over then next parameter is started.

This approach guarantees that the symmetry of the molecule is taken into account. For example, if a C-H bond length was varied then all other permutations are taken into account so that all C-H stretches are equivalent.

The best way of setting up the pot file is molecule dependent. Many options are possible, as long as the energy is returned for a certain geometry. Many pot files have already been set up in TROVE, some with multiple choices per molecule type. These can be referred to for more details of the procedure or used as a starting point for new potentials.