
TROVE provides an extended set of the so-called ‘checkpoints’, with the main functionality to provide the capability of restarting the calculations at any critical point. The checkpoints are TROVE files with extension .chk that contain the necessary information for the restart. Some of the files are in the ASCII format (i.e. ‘formated’), some are written in as machine readable, i.e ‘unformatted’, some - as direct access files. For instance, the transition between steps 1,2,3, … is driven by the checkpoint functionality. Moreover, since step 1 contains a number of critical sub-steps, TROVE checkpoints those sub-steps as well.

Apart from the restarting functionality, the .chk files are also used to store the eigenvectors (i.e. eigencoefficients). Although these objects are formally a the end result of the calculations, in same cases they provide support for some intermediate steps. For example, step 2 (transformation of matrix elements to the J=0 representation) used the eigenfunctions of the J=0 solution obtained at step 1 to create a basis set for step 3 (production of eigenfunctions for J>0).

The checkpoints control section is CHECK_POINT, e.g.:

 kinetic     read
 potential   read
 external    none
 basis_set   save
 contract    save
 matelem     save    split
 extmatelem  none    split
 eigenfunc   save

with the main control keywords save, read and none and the additional keywords append, stitch, split etc. The functional checkpoint keywords include

  • kinetic

  • potential

  • external

  • basis_set

  • contract

  • matelem

  • extmatelem

  • eigenfunc

  • fit_poten

The order of these lines is unimportant. The CHECK_POINT section can appear anywhere in the input file.

List of checkpoints

  • kinetic.chk (kinetic) contains the expansion coefficients of the KEO as controlled by the Kinorder keyword.

    The KEO is the first to be constructed and saved if kinetic is set to save and can be then used at any stage by switching to read. One opt out from saving the KEO (or any other checkpoint) by setting it to none.

  • potential.chk (potential) is the second object created in TROVE as part of step 1.

    It contains expansion coefficient of PEF in terms of the TROVE vibrational coordinates. It can be saved, if generated from scratched and then read after a TROVE restart.

  • external.chk (external) is used to store expansion coefficients of any other objects apart from KEO and PEF,

    dipole moment, polarizability, spin-rotation, a correction to the PEF used for the refinement of the PEF etc, which are called External or Dipole The same functionality as above is applied to the External field.

  • hamiltoian.chk:

    This file contains the definition of the linearised coordinates (A and B matrices, see the TROVE paper [TROVE]), i.e. for COORDS linear in the case of the linearised coordinate. It is saved and read as part of the kinetic switch. hamiltoian.chk is not produced for the curvilinear coordinate type COORDS local.

    kinetic.chk, potential.chk and external.chk have the ASCII format and can be used to plot the corresponding fields or their individual components.

  • numerov_bset.chk and prim_bset.chk (basis_set).

    These two unformatted files containing information on the 1D primitive basis sets and are produced after the objects described above. The same rules are applied for saving, reading or doing nothing (none).

  • contr_descr.chk, contr_quanta.chk, contr_vectors.chk (contract) are three files to store the information on the symmetry adapted basis functions for individual basis sub-sets.

    • contr_vectors.chk is an unformatted file containing eigne-coefficients.

    • contr_quanta.chk is a formatted (ASCII) file with the information on the basis set bookkeeping - mapping of the multimode quantum numbers into a 1D array.

    • contr_descr.chk is a formatted file containing descriptions of the basis sets:

      individual energies of the basis functions from different sub-sets together with their classifications, symmetries, TROVE quantum number, IDs, largest expansion coefficients used in their assignment as well as a placeholder for the spectroscopic quantum numbers. This file can be edited in order to include these spectroscopic quantum numbers.

  • contr_matelem.chk (matelem) contains vibrational matrix elements of the different pars of the Hamiltonian operator (KEO and PEF)

    on the basis set produced at the contract step, i.e. contracted symmetry adapted basis functions.

  • matelem1.chk, matelem2.chk … matelem12.chk represent a split version of contr_matelem.chk, which contain the rotational and Coriolis parts of the KEO,

    while contr_matelem.chk contains the matrix elements of the pure vibrational part of the Hamiltonian operator, i.e. vibrational KEO + PEF. The split option allows one to compute all these 13 parts of matelems separately, which is especially useful for larger molecules. Historically, the matelem step the main bottleneck in the TROVE pipeline in the case of large molecules and the split feature allows one to at least partly mitigate this issue. An example of the split option is

    • To process all 13 parts of the Hamiltonian:

    contract  save split
    • To process individual parts of the Hamiltonian (from 0 to 6):

    contract  save split 0 6
    here 0 stands for the pure vibrational part of the Hamiltonian operator.
    • To process a single part of the Hamiltonian (from 11 to 11):

    contract  save split 11 11
  • contr_extfield.chk extmatelem contains all (vibrational) matrix elements of the external field.

    extmatelem step is not a compulsory step in the TROVE pipeline. It is invoked when keyword it is set to save.

  • extmatelem1.chk, extmatelem2.chk, extmatelem3.chk …. are the split analogy of contr_extfield.chk,

    where different components are written into separate extmatelem chk-files.

Examples of the split option include :

extmatelem save split 1 1


extmatelem save split

  • eigen_descr*chk, eigen_vector*chk and eigen_quant*chk (eigenfunc) contain the eigencoefficients and their descriptions.

    • eigen_descrJ_\Gamma.chk contain the eigenvalues (energy term values in cm-1):

    state IDs, symmetries, TROVE quantum numbers, largest coefficients as well as a placeholder for the spectroscopic quantum numbers. These files formatted (ASCII) and can be used for the analysis or postprocessing (e.g. construction of line lists). Here J is the rotational angular momentum and \Gamma is the symmetry (irrep), i.e. there is a description for each J/symmetry. For example, eigen_descr0_2.chk is a checkpoint file with the description of the eigenstates and their eigenvalues for J=0 and \Gamma=2.

  • eigen_vectorsJ_\Gamma.chk contain the eigencoefficients written in direct unformatted form.

    For each eigen_descr*chk there is an eigen_vector*chk file.

  • eigen_quantJ.chk contain the bookkeeping information for the basis sets used:

    the mapping between the multidimensional, multimode description of the product-form basis functions to a 1D basis set index.

  • j0_matelem.chk (matelem) is the J=0 representation of contr_matelem.chk generated at step 2.

    In order to switch to step 2 and thus distinguish from step 1, the following changes to the step 1 input file should be made:

    1. In the contracted section, set

      model J=0
    2. In the check_point section set

      contract save
      matelem convert
      eigenfunc read
  • j0_matelem1.chk, j0_matelem2.chk … j0_matelem12.chk are the J=0 representation of matelem1.chk, matelem2.chk … matelem12.chk, respectively, in the split form.

    These files are generated as part of step 2, which can be accomplished by simply setting step 2 in the Control section:

       step 2

    Alternatively, the changes described above to produce j0_matelem.chk should be introduced, with only one difference of including the split sub-option:

    contract save
    matelem convert split
    eigenfunc read

    In the J=0 representation, the zero-term, pure vibrational j0_matelem0.chk is not produced. This is because this part is diagonal on the J=0 basis, with the corresponding energies on the diagonal.

  • fitpot_maJ_\Gamma_:math:i.chk (fit_poten) are checkpoint files to store matrix elements of the fitting part of the potential, with i representing the vibrational contribution from a specific potential parameter i to be refined.

    To produce and store the fitpot*.chk checkpoints, the following line should be added to the check_point section:

    fit_poten  save  split

    and to use them

    fit_poten  read  split

    Similar to the usage of other split objects, it is possible to request only specific terms in the potential, e.g.

    fit_poten  save split  32 45

    will compute the fit_poten matrix elements for i=32\ldots 45.

    The matrix elements in fitpot*.chk are used for the refinement of the PEF, which is controlled by the section FITTING, see Chapter “Refine”. This section contains keywords for selection of fitpot*.chk, namely J-LIST and symmetries specifying the values of J and symmetries \Gamma, respectively (both are integer) to be processed. For example:

    J-LIST   0 1 2
    Symmetries  2 3 5 6

    will process the fit (fit_poten matrix elements) for :math`J=0,1,2` and \Gamma = 2,3,5,6.


In order to help prevent using wrong checkpoints from different project, the descr checkpoint files (contr_descr.chk, eigen_descr*_*.chk and j0eigen_descr_*.chk) contain a “fingerprint” section at the very beginning of these formatted (ASCII) files.

Here is an example of the top part of a file eigen_descr0_3.chk from an H2S project:

Start Fingerprints
      0      3      3      4     38000.0     38000.0  <= PTorder, Nmodes, Natoms,  Npolyads, enercut
        0.01000000        0.01000000        0.01000000  <= dstep
       31.97207070        1.00782505        1.00782505  <= masses
        1.33590070        1.33590070        1.61034345  <= equilibrium
LINEAR     R-RHO      C2V(M)     XY2
BASIS:   i  type     coord_kinet coord_poten model dim species class range dvrpoints res_coeffs npoints borders periodic period
       0   <- Jrot, rotational angular momentum
         0 JKTAU      xxxxxx     xxxxxx      1000   1D    0      0    0   0     0.0          0     0.000    0.000     F  0 xxxxxx            0    F    F    T
         1 NUMEROV    LINEAR     MORSE       1000   1D    1      1    0   4     1.0        600    -0.500    1.400     F  0 NUMEROV-PO        5    F    F    T
         2 NUMEROV    LINEAR     MORSE       1000   1D    1      1    0   4     1.0        600    -0.500    1.400     F  0 NUMEROV-PO        5    F    F    T
         3 NUMEROV    LINEAR     LINEAR      1000   1D    2      2    0   4     1.0       4000     0.070    2.618     F  0 NUMEROV-PO        5    F    F    T
End Fingerprints
Start Quantum numbers and energies
       4 <== Contracted polyad number
End Quantum numbers and energies

This information is automatically degenerated using some key parameters from the input project in question, such as atomic masses, number of atoms, maximal polyad, frame, coordinates type, symmetry and a detailed description of the basis set. When such a checkpoint is read by TROVE, the fingerprint is compared against the corresponding parameters of the current project. TROVE will stop and report in case of any differences found.

These descr files end with an “End …” section, which is also used to check if all the information required has been read correctly.

Similar preventive check are used in unformatted files as well, which also start with a section “Start … “ and end with a section “End…”. These are useful to catch files that are too short or long for a given project.

Structure of the description checkpoints


contr_descr.chk contains the energies and quantum numbers of the contracted basis states. It has the following structure

1. “Fingerprint” section, for example

Start Fingerprints
      0      3      3      4     38000.0     38000.0  <= PTorder, Nmodes, Natoms,  Npolyads, enercut
        0.01000000        0.01000000        0.01000000  <= dstep
       31.97207070        1.00782505        1.00782505  <= masses
        1.33590070        1.33590070        1.61034345  <= equilbrium
LINEAR     R-RHO      C2V(M)     XY2
BASIS:   i  type     coord_kinet coord_poten model dim species class range dvrpoints res_coeffs npoints borders periodic period
       0   <- Jrot, rotational angular momentum
         0 JKTAU      xxxxxx     xxxxxx      1000   1D    0      0    0   0     0.0          0     0.000    0.000     F  0 xxxxxx            0    F    F    T
         1 NUMEROV    LINEAR     MORSE       1000   1D    1      1    0   4     1.0        600    -0.500    1.400     F  0 NUMEROV-PO        5    F    F    T
         2 NUMEROV    LINEAR     MORSE       1000   1D    1      1    0   4     1.0        600    -0.500    1.400     F  0 NUMEROV-PO        5    F    F    T
         3 NUMEROV    LINEAR     LINEAR      1000   1D    2      2    0   4     1.0       4000     0.070    2.618     F  0 NUMEROV-PO        5    F    F    T
End Fingerprints

2. Sub-class 1

Class #       1
            15            15  <-  number of roots and dimension of basis
      1   1       1   1   3631.457962557468   0   0   0   0     0   0   0   0         0.99650855
      2   1       2   1   6237.793846833698   0   1   0   0     0   1   0   0        -0.70449312
      3   4       3   1   6920.808287732269   0   0   1   0     0   1   0   0        -0.69933488
      4   1       4   1   8799.405574657818   0   1   1   0     0   2   0   0        -0.66971512
      5   4       5   1   9424.198345933781   0   0   2   0     0   2   0   0        -0.69495690
      6   1       6   1  10131.498717237881   0   1   1   0     0   2   0   0         0.72224834
      7   1       7   1  11335.796189988198   0   2   1   0     0   3   0   0        -0.57998640
      8   4       8   1  11965.585881042278   0   0   3   0     0   3   0   0         0.62572431

2. Sub-class 2

Class #       2
             5             5  <-  number of roots and dimension of basis
     16   1       1   1   3676.343781669158   0   0   0   0     0   0   0   0         0.99914576
     17   1       2   1   4863.062238559608   0   0   0   1     0   0   0   1        -0.99741510
     18   1       3   1   6044.794034517188   0   0   0   2     0   0   0   2        -0.99558857
     19   1       4   1   7223.358797674692   0   0   0   3     0   0   0   3        -0.99426327
     20   1       5   1   8404.773619941834   0   0   0   4     0   0   0   4         0.99669840

etc. Here the TROVE sub-class stands for a symmetry independent sub-set.

The structure of the columns is as follows:

-- ------ ---- ---- ------------------ --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ------ -------------
1   2       3   4          5            6   7   8   9    10   11 12   13          14
-- ------ ---- ---- ------------------ --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ------ -------------
n   Sym     m   deg     Energy (cm-1)   k   v1  v2  v3    K   n1  n2  n3          C_i
-- ------ ---- ---- ------------------ --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ------ -------------
1   1       1   1   3631.457962557468   0   0   0   0     0   0   0   0         0.99650855
2   1       2   1   6237.793846833698   0   1   0   0     0   1   0   0        -0.70449312
3   4       3   1   6920.808287732269   0   0   1   0     0   1   0   0        -0.69933488
4   1       4   1   8799.405574657818   0   1   1   0     0   2   0   0        -0.66971512
5   4       5   1   9424.198345933781   0   0   2   0     0   2   0   0        -0.69495690


  • Col 1: n is the counting number of the state including degeneracies;

  • Col 2: Sym is the irrep of this state;

  • Col 3: m is the running number of the energy, excluding degeneracies.

  • Col 4: deg is a degenerate component (e.g. E_a = `\  ``1` and E_b = 2 for a 2D irrep of C3v).

  • Col 5: Energy term value of a state from the given sub-class.

  • Col 6: k is a rotational index (typically it is zero in contr_descr.chk).

  • Cols 7-9: v1, v2, v3 are the TROVE (local mode) vibrational quantum numbers.

  • Col 10-13: K, n1, n2, n3 are placeholder for the user-defined quantum numbers to be propagated to the final rovibrational eigenstates.

  • Col 14: C_i is the corresponding largest coefficient used in the assignment.


The eigenvector igen_descrJ_\Gamma.chk are used to store information on the ro-vibrational states. Here J and \Gamma are the rotational angular momentum and the symmetry, respectively.

1. “Fingerprint” section, for example:

  Start Fingerprints
         0      3      3      4     38000.0     38000.0  <= PTorder, Nmodes, Natoms,  Npolyads, enercut
          0.01000000        0.01000000        0.01000000  <= dstep
         31.97207070        1.00782505        1.00782505  <= masses
          1.33590070        1.33590070        1.61034345  <= equilbrium
  LINEAR     R-RHO      C2V(M)     XY2
  BASIS:   i  type     coord_kinet coord_poten model dim species class range dvrpoints res_coeffs npoints borders periodic period
         0   <- Jrot, rotational angular momentum
           0 JKTAU      xxxxxx     xxxxxx      1000   1D    0      0    0   0     0.0          0     0.000    0.000     F  0 xxxxxx            0    F    F    T
           1 NUMEROV    LINEAR     MORSE       1000   1D    1      1    0   4     1.0        600    -0.500    1.400     F  0 NUMEROV-PO        5    F    F    T
           2 NUMEROV    LINEAR     MORSE       1000   1D    1      1    0   4     1.0        600    -0.500    1.400     F  0 NUMEROV-PO        5    F    F    T
           3 NUMEROV    LINEAR     LINEAR      1000   1D    2      2    0   4     1.0       4000     0.070    2.618     F  0 NUMEROV-PO        5    F    F    T
  End Fingerprints

2.  "Quantum numbers and energies" section,  Energy term values and description of the ro-vibrational states:

  Start Quantum numbers and energies
         4 <== Contracted polyad number
  Class #       1
              22            22  <-  number of roots and dimension of basis
         1       1       1       1   3627.658022299023       0   0   0   0       1   1   1   1       0   0   0   0         0.99958266      1      1
         2       1       2       1   4800.325667905056       0   0   0   1       2   1   1   1       0   0   0   1        -0.99819947      1      2
         3       1       3       1   5962.955540973960       0   0   0   2       3   1   1   1       0   0   0   2         0.99055229      1      3
         4       1       4       1   6236.371962631670       0   1   0   0       6   1   1   1       0   1   0   0         0.99283316      2      1
         5       1       5       1   7130.700436920808       0   0   0   3       4   1   1   1       0   0   0   3         0.97608301      1      4
         6       1       6       1   7393.117966742439       0   1   0   1       7   1   1   1       0   1   0   1         0.97535336      2      2
  End Quantum numbers and energies

The meaning of the state columns is as follows:

---- ------- ------- ------ -------------------- ----- --- --- ----- ----- --- --- ----- ----- --- --- ------ ---------------- ----- ------
1       2       3       4         5                 6   7   8  9       10   11  12 13      14   15 16   17           18         19     20
---- ------- ------- ------ -------------------- ----- --- --- ----- ----- --- --- ----- ----- --- --- ---- - ---------------- ----- ------
n      Sym     m       deg   Energy (cm-1)          k  v1  v2  v3      imax s0  s1 s2       K   n1  n2  n3           C_i       ivib1  ivib2
---- ------- ------- ------ -------------------- ----- --- --- ----- ----- --- --- ----- ----- --- --- ---- ------------------ ----- ------
1       1       1       1   3627.658022299023       0   0   0   0       1   1   1   1       0   0   0   0         0.99958266      1      1
2       1       2       1   4800.325667905056       0   0   0   1       2   1   1   1       0   0   0   1        -0.99819947      1      2
3       1       3       1   5962.955540973960       0   0   0   2       3   1   1   1       0   0   0   2         0.99055229      1      3


  • Col 1: n is the counting number of the state including degeneracies;

  • Col 2: Sym is the irrep of this state;

  • Col 3: m is the running number of the energy, excluding degeneracies.

  • Col 4: deg is a degenerate component (e.g. E_a = 1 and E_b =` 2 for a 2D irrep of C3v).

  • Col 5: Energy term value (cm-1).

  • Col 6: k is a rotational index.

  • Cols 7-9: v1, v2, v3 are the TROVE (local mode) vibrational quantum numbers.

  • Col 10: imax is the position index of the largest coefficient in the basis vector.

  • Col 11: s0 is the symmetry of the rotational basis set contribution for the term with the largest eigen-coefficient.

  • Col 12-13: s1 and s2 are symmetries of the vibrational contribution for each sub-space.

  • Col 14-17: K, n1, n2, n3 are placeholder for the user-defined quantum numbers to be propagated to the final rovibrational eigenstates.

  • Col 18: C_i is the corresponding largest coefficient used in the assignment.

  • Col 19-20: ivib1, ivib2 are counting indices of sub-classes in the representation of direct products of the symmetry adapted ‘contracted’ basis set.


The eigenvector j0eigen_descrJ_\Gamma.chk are used to store information on the ro-vibrational states in the J=0 representation. Here J and \Gamma are the rotational angular momentum and the symmetry, respectively. The general structure of the ‘j0eigen_descr’ checkpoint files is the same as for ‘eigen_descr, a fingerprint section is followed by the description section with “Quantum numbers and energies”. The latter in j0eigen_descr*_*.chk section is only slightly different from that from eigen_descr*_*.chk. The J=0 representation contains a single one-sub class with full vibrational (J=0) basis functions.